"Rare Birds"


May 1st, 2025 - May 31st, 2025

Artists's Statement:

"This show began some 56 years ago in Mr. Tom Hoots’ art classroom at Tigard High School. I was creating large portraits on poster board using long handled brushes and working in oil paint. I only did a few of these; they were slow to dry and the medium was smelly but the seed was planted. That seed waited for the next 40+ years while I was drawing and painting birds and teaching. Then I retired. I picked up those long handled brushes, gathered the oil paints and began making portraits of people I know. The paintings are all about artists and their art. Those Rare Birds who create. I plan to continue with this idea and make as many paintings of artists as I have time. I believe it is my purpose. And of course, I will need to keep drawing birds; the birds I know and learn from; the birds I record daily in my journal."


There will be a reception on Sunday, May 18th, 2025 from 11:00am-4:00pm.